The DWM Grant Fund has a two-stage application process:
Stage 1: Expression of interest (EOI)
The expression of interest stage is the first step in your application process. This is your opportunity to tell us about your project and explain the benefits and what you are aiming to achieve.
We realise that your project is organic and will develop as you progress through the application. At this stage we need the higher level (or summary) information; we will ask you for more details at full application (if your expression of interest is successful).
Please note that DWM is a revenue only funding stream which means that capital items i.e. fixtures, fittings and other capital assets cannot be purchased with support from this fund – this includes the building of new structures / extensions to existing buildings.
Tip: Make sure your answers to the questions are clear and concise. The person reading your application may not know your sector in detail, therefore avoid using acronyms or jargon. Don’t assume we will know of your organisation or what it does. Ensure you clearly outline your purpose and who your work is directed toward (such as, working specifically with isolated older people or younger adults with mental health issues).
The EOI documentation can be downloaded here.
Your expression of interest should be submitted electronically to:
The programme team will review your application and a decision will be made whether to invite you to submit a full application (FA).
There are three possible outcomes:
- Approved and invited to FA. You will be sent an email inviting you to submit a full application if we feel there are areas that you could improve on and we will provide feedback. You may also be given conditions that you must meet at submission of your full application. The email will have a deadline date for submission of your application.
- Deferred – if your project is deferred this is because the assessor needs some further information to enable them to make a decision. We will tell you what we require and you will have 10 working days to submit the information. Your application will be assessed again, and a decision made.
- Rejected you will be sent an email with detailed information on how this decision was made and areas that could be improved should you wish to reapply.
If you are unable to meet your submission date please get in touch as failure to meet your submission date may result in your invitation to submit a full application being withdrawn.
Stage 2: Full application
The full application is a more comprehensive application. This is your opportunity to tell us in detail about your project.
If you have been invited to this stage we believe your project is eligible based on the information provided at EOI stage and we are interested to find out more.
This is a competitive process and having an invitation to submit a full application does not mean you will be awarded funding. You are part of a group of projects that will be presented to the decision-making board, therefore you need to ‘sell’ your project to us.
Tip: Ensure you make the distinction between what your organisation delivers as a whole and what the discreet project is that you are requesting funding for – even when requesting support for ‘core costs’ you must clearly define what the funding is going towards and what directly it will achieve.
Supporting documents
At this stage we will require your supporting documents including: quotes; accounts; policies, insurance certificates, FAF appendix and milestones & claims schedule.
You will need to provide three like-for-like quotations or tenders for all project costs equal to or exceeding £1500 where you will be using a supplier outside of your own organisation. For items less than this amount two like-for-like quotations or tenders are required.