
Grand Western CanalThe Grand Western Canal Ranger Service are always looking for new volunteers or volunteer groups to assist with the day to day running of the Country Park. With eleven and a quarter miles of canal to look after there is plenty of work that volunteers / students can get involved in, including hedge laying, coppicing, tree planting, pond maintenance and clearing scrub; or if that’s not your thing, how about helping out with litter picking, patrolling or wildlife surveys?

Volunteering needn’t take up too much of your time. When you volunteer is largely up to you. Some people volunteer on a regular basis each week or month. Others when they have a spare day.

Please be aware that some of the tasks are quite physically demanding, so please be mindful of this when deciding what type of volunteering you would like to do.

If you are interested, please contact the Canal Ranger Service on 01884 254072 or email gwcanal@devon.gov.uk to discuss volunteering options.

Weekday Volunteering

During the week, the Canal Ranger Service are busy doing a variety of tasks to keep the Country Park looking its best for both visitors and the local community. If you are unemployed or retired and have time to assist the Canal Rangers with their daily tasks then please get in touch.

Weekend Volunteer Days

Come along to our volunteering sessions on the second Sunday of the month, from October to April. These sessions start at 10 am and finish at 4 pm. People join for different reasons – to keep fit, learn new skills, make friends, gain valuable experience or just for fun. The group is very relaxed and welcoming – so please join us!

Work Experience / College Placements

If you would like a career working in the outdoors and are currently either at school or college looking for work experience or industry placement over several months then why not volunteer with the Grand Western Canal Country Park Ranger Service. Not only will this increase your understanding of what the job involves; but it will provide you with a reference to help you with job applications in the future and there may be opportunities to attend training or seminars to gain an additional knowledge or certification on top of your course.

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