Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

Together with other partner authorities and key stakeholders in Devon we have reviewed and updated the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy. The main document for 2021-2027 can be found here, as the Lead Local Flood Authority for its area we produced this strategy in line with the Flood and Water Management Act 2010.

Devon’s previous strategy for 2014-2020 is still available and consists of a collection of documents including the main document, a summary report, and local Action Plan, showing Devon’s current investment in flood risk. A report showing achievements for 2019-20 has been produced.

The Action Plan contains a list of projects which Devon County Council is financially contributing to in 2020/2021. Other risk management authorities in Devon will have their own projects they are contributing to – for more information contact them directly.

The high level strategic document outlines the responsibilities of the Risk Management Authorities in Devon and how they are working in partnership to coordinate local flood risk management. This covers everything from engaging with communities and preparing for floods, responding to flood events, collaborating on flood risk studies and investing in flood improvements.

In order to update the strategy, a series of addendums will be made available to sit alongside the main document. The Winter 2024 Newsletter gives an update on how Devon and its partners have progressed and how they are fulfilling their duties and responsibilities. Please email us if you would like to see older versions of the strategy newsletter.Front cover of the Devon Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

Supplementary Guidance for Devon

Last Updated: December 2021