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Do it to keep Devon moving

The image is cropped to a D shape and shows two women looking at each other. One has their back to the camera and the other is smiling.

In the Transport Coordination Service, we provide essential passenger services for the public as well as for groups with specific needs.

We make a real difference to Devon residents by maximising the coverage of the transport network and its accessibility. We ensure transport is cost effective, safe and resolve issues that may affect it.

In return for your hard work, we encourage a healthy work-life balance and our flexible working policies allow you to fit your work around life.

We work strongly with external partners and the public to combine resources and provide a first-rate service. By working here, you will be part of a bigger picture and could find yourself working in teams including:

  • Support for Public and Community Transport
  • The National Bus Pass
  • Education Transport
  • Adult & Child Social Care Transport
  • Fleet Management
  • Non-Emergency Patient Transport on behalf of NEW Devon Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Round picture of two people working at a desk with laptops (off shot) in front of them, and wearing head phones.
Person with high vis jacket and stop sign standing in the road stopping traffic.

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