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Devon Waste Plan

The role of the Devon Waste Plan is to establish the overarching principles and policy direction for waste planning in Devon, it also identifies strategic sites for energy recovery across the County and a series of planning policies for making decisions on planning applications. The Plan covers the period to 2031.

The Devon Waste Plan was adopted in December 2014 and can be found here:

Other associated documents can be found here:


Individual chapters of the Devon Waste Plan can be downloaded here:

Examination of the Devon Waste Plan

The Inspector’s Report was received following the examination hearings in July 2014 and consultation on the proposed modifications in September 2014. The report concluded that subject to the modifications he recommended, the Devon Waste Plan is sound and legally compliant, providing an appropriate basis for waste planning in Devon.

The following documents were submitted for examination and as evidence:

We have all documents used and produced for the preparation of the Devon Waste Plan, if you require a specific document please email

Review of the Devon Waste Plan

There is a requirement for planning authorities to review their local plan policies at least every five years.  As such, it has been necessary to review the Devon Waste Plan. A series of topic papers were prepared to present the evidence collated as part of the review process and an overarching summary and conclusions report has been prepared to draw together the findings and conclusions. These reports are available here: 

Review of the Devon Waste Plan – Summary of evidence and conclusions  

Topic Paper 1:  5 Year Review of Annual Monitoring Report data  

Topic Paper 2:  Review of Consistency with National Policy  

Topic Paper 3:  Spatial Strategy Review  

Topic Paper 4:  Review of Climate Emergency Declaration Implications  

Topic Paper 5:  Duty to Cooperate Engagement  

The conclusions from the review were endorsed by the Development Management Committee on 23rd September 2020.  

Inert Waste Landfill Capacity

As a result of monitoring the Devon Waste Plan and to inform consideration of current and future planning applications that propose new capacity for the landfilling of inert waste, a Position Statement has been prepared. This Statement reviews data for the management of inert waste and available landfill capacity and discusses potential future capacity requirements, and will be updated as new data are published.

