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Devon Minerals Plan

The Devon Minerals Plan contains the Council’s vision and objectives for minerals planning and provides the policy framework and site proposals to maintain the supply of minerals and limit the impacts of their working. The Minerals Plan has regard to national minerals policy, while addressing the specific characteristics of Devon and its minerals.

The Devon Minerals Plan 2011 – 2031 was adopted in February 2017 and can be found here along with the associated documents:

Minerals Safeguarding SPD

To assist in implementation of Policy M2 of the Devon Minerals Plan, Devon County Council has published a Supplementary Planning Document for Mineral Safeguarding. The SPD can be viewed here.


Examination of the Devon Minerals Plan

The Inspectors Report was received following the examination hearings in May 2016 and consultation on the proposed modifications in August and September 2016. The report concluded that, subject to the modifications recommended, the Devon Minerals Plan is sound and legally compliant, providing an appropriate basis for mineral planning in Devon.

All documents associated with the previous stages of the plan preparation can be found in the Examination Library below.

Examination Library
