This page contains links to general other policy and guidance produced by Devon County Council (either individually or in partnership with other organisations) which may have an impact upon the determination of applications for which the County Council holds responsibility.
South Hams SAC Guidance
Devon County Council, in partnership with Dartmoor National Park, South Hams District Council, Teignbridge District Council and Torbay Council, have prepared guidance on ‘South Hams Special Area of Conservation – HRA Guidance with respect to Greater Horseshoe Bats’
Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape World Heritage Site SPD
In partnership with Cornwall Council and West Devon Borough Council, Devon County Council adopted the ‘Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape World Heritage Site Supplementary Planning Document’ on 31 May 2017.
The SPD explains the importance and Outstanding Universal Value of the World Heritage Site and provides advice for all decision makers, developers and the public on ensuring that the responsibilities conferred by the status are fully taken into consideration and opportunities taken advantage of in preparation and implementation of development.
Key documents
Waste Management and Recycling - Development Contribution Methodology
Devon County Council is the Waste Disposal Authority and as such is responsible for managing Local Authority Collected Waste. Public recycling centres across Devon play an important role in enabling the County Council to meet its statutory responsibility. Housing growth across the county is resulting in increasing demand and pressure upon these facilities of which many require replacement or expansion to meet capacity requirements.
This paper sets out the methodology for calculating financial contributions which will be requested from development in order to maintain and improve the network of recycling centres and enable the impact of development to be accommodated.
Health Contributions Approach: GP Provision - Development Contribution Methodology
In order to better integrate planning and health across the county and to efficiently plan for health through the local plan and development management processes, a robust, evidence based methodology for agreeing required health infrastructure and identifying developer contributions should be established. The first stage of this process considers contributions to GP Provision.
This paper sets out the methodology for calculation financial contributions which will be requested from development in order to fund expansion of GP provision where required to mitigate the impact of development.
The East Devon AONB Planning Protocol outlines the relationship between the East Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Partnership, East Devon District Council and Devon County Council on planning applications affecting the East Devon AONB.
To assist community groups in setting up small-scale composting facilities for use by local residents, Devon County Council has provided a guidance note to explain the need for planning permission and provide advice on the planning process.
There is a requirement for any local planning authority that receives a contribution from development, either through the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) or an agreement under Section 106 (S106) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended), to produce an The Infrastructure Funding Statements summarise the contributions, both monetary and non-monetary, that Devon County Council has secured, received and spent from developer contributions for the each financial year (1st April – 31st March). The statements can be found below: Future statements will be produced for the following financial years.
annual Infrastructure Funding Statement.