Childrens services organisational structure and contact details

Please can you provide the current/latest organisational structure for Children’s Services and Early Years teams ‘ including the names and job titles of all senior management and strategic heads of departments, budget holders for training, and development across Children’s Services, along with contact numbers and email addresses.

Childrens Services

Childrens Social Work and Child Protection

Education and Learning

All telephone numbers are generic – 01392 383000 – ask for the officer required when prompted.

All email addresses follow the format –

Please can you provide details of the personal assistant for their senior management team.

Personal Assistants

Please can you provide a list of external suppliers involved with Children’s Services, including preferred outsources.

We hold this information as Childrens Services use many external providers, even when those who provide services to the whole council are excluded.

One of our main partner organisations is Babcock LDP

Other current contracts are available on the published Contracts Register

All payments over £500 to external provides are listed on our Expenditure over £500 lists on our public website.

However, to provide a full list we would need more details, such as what is meant by involved and preferred outsources, and if you mean all childrens services or specific ones within education or childrens social care.

Also, could you please provide the names, job titles, contact numbers, and email addresses of those who are responsible for the commissioning of services for Children’s Services such as Children’s Homes, Leaving Care, Fostering, and Youth Offending ‘ including any Councillors who sit on any children-related committees.

Childrens homes, Leaving care, Fostering = Nick Scribbins, Senior Commissioning Officer

Youth Offending = Thor Beverly, Senior Manager

All telephone numbers are generic – 01392 383000 – ask for the officer required when prompted.
All email addresses follow the format –


Councillor James MacInnes

Childrens Scrutiny Committee