Services we provide

Information Description Frequency of publication Details of Charges
Contact us How to contact the Council by telephone As required No charge
Adult social care Helping you to find the support you need to stay healthy, happy and independent As required No charge
Births, deaths, marriages Register births and deaths and plan marriage, civil partnership, celebratory and citizenship ceremonies As required See website
Blue Badges Helping you park nearer your destination if you have a disability meaning  you are unable to walk far As required Charge on application
Children’s social care Child protection, children in care, fostering, adoption As required No charge

Country parks

Grand Western Canal 

Stover Country Park 

Devon County Council owns and manages two country parks; see links to right –  these provide facilities for both local residents and visitors to enjoy a range of countryside recreation opportunities and are important sites for wildlife. As required

Stover Country Park parking charges 

Grand Western Canal 

Education Early years, schools, families and young people As required No charge
Fees and charges Highways, planning and transport As required Charges 
Health protection Protecting the health of people in Devon and responding to any health-related emergencies is part of our public health role As required No charge
Libraries Free access to thousands of books, eBooks, audiobooks, online reference, music and magazines. We have Intellectual Property (IP) Centres and FabLab. Each library runs numerous events and activities for all the family, and help is available to help you find anything you need. As required Libraries Fees and charges 
Media releases An archive of press releases issued by the Council As required No charge
Park and Ride Exeter Park and Ride sites, stops and times. Services are operated by Stagecoach South West As required. Fares – Stagecoach South West 
Pothole repairs Repairs to potholes which meet the criteria in our Highway Safety Policy (Appendix 1, part 1.1 ). If the pothole meets these criteria it is classed as a safety defect and there will be a temporary or permanent repair depending on the category of the road. As required. No charge.
Public transport Whether you’re a frequent bus user, or haven’t hopped on board for a while, you’re in the right place to find information to help you get wherever you need to be. As required No charge
Recycling Devon County Council is responsible for the safe disposal of all municipal household waste generated in the eight districts of Devon. Plymouth and Torbay have their own arrangements. As required Chargeable waste
Regulatory & Licensing responsibilities Our responsibilities to manage certain licences Annual No charge
Roads and transport Pothole reporting, parking, road closures, road maintenance, roadworks and street lights As required Highways fees and charges 
Roads  safety Our vision is that every route and every mode should be available to everybody, free from the risk or fear of harm. As required No charge
Support for local businesses A list of support services to aid local businesses As required No charge

Tourism activities

Country Parks 


Explore Devon 


Local history 

Leisure, events, libraries, local history, green spaces As required No charge
Trading Standards Advice and support to help businesses grow and develop, to protect consumers and the economy by ensuring legal and honest trading, to help the agriculture industry maintain good animal health and welfare, and to other local authorities. As required No charge
Waste disposal Responsibility for the safe disposal of all municipal household waste generated in the eight districts of Devon. As required No charge