There are a range of categories, tags and service headings to choose from, or just type keywords into the search.
Previous responses include those where we have indicated that we do not hold the information as the relevant service is provided by District and Unitary Councils in Devon. Search using the information not held keywords or select the information not held category or tag. Links are provided to other council websites so you can submit your freedom of information request to them direct.
If after checking our publication scheme and disclosure log, you still can’t find the information you are looking for, you can make a request for information as follows :
- Email:
- Web form: Make a request online >
- Letter: Access to Information, Room 170, County Hall, Topsham Rd, Exeter, EX2 4QD – please note, officers are currently working at home and letters sent to County Hall will not be processed immediately, please use email or the web form where possible.
If you require support please phone us 01392 380100.
We publish information on our response rates for Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulation requests.
REMINDER – Devon County Council is not responsible for all local government functions in Devon – there are two Unitary and eight District councils who are responsible for a wide range of activities in their area and who are also subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. Those activities include Housing, Council Tax, waste collection, environmental health, parks and leisure and planning applications. More examples can be found Previous Responses to Freedom of Information requests webpage – search for District Councils or the topic you are interested in.
Please contact the appropriate council directly using the information on the link provided.
Requesting information about :