Further to public consultation, the guidance has been amended and formally agreed by all the relevant Local Authorities forming the South Hams SAC Steering Group (Devon County Council, Teignbridge District Council, South Hams District Council, Torbay Council, Dartmoor National Park) and Natural England (also on the Steering Group). The final version (October 2019) is available on the link below:
South Hams SAC – HRA Guidance with respect to Greater Horseshoe Bats (2019)
The Consultation Zones (Sustenance Zones and Landscape Connectivity Zone) are shown on the Devon County Council Environment Viewer
A summary of the consultation responses and the outcomes can be found here. The previous version of the guidance document and the full consultation responses can be found below.
Consultation Documents
South Hams SAC SPD Consultation Draft
Environment Viewer Instructions
Data Collection Methodology (Annex 3)
Sustenance Zone and Landscape Connectivity Zone Justification
Please note that the majority of the Advice Notes that are being produced to sit alongside the SPD will be factual and include:
- Advice on Habitats Regulations Assessment and template
- Greater Horseshoe Bat Ecology
- Mitigation (current best practice) including separate Advice Note on lighting
Partners will be given the opportunity to input into these Advice Notes.
The Advice Notes will not be available during the SPD consultation. These will be informally consulted upon at a later date.
An Advice Note on Survey is also being developed and, whilst this is not part of the SPD, an informal consultation will take place to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to comment on the survey specification being recommended.
- Responses Received
- Frequently Asked Questions
Any Queries?
If you have any queries that are not answered in the Frequently Asked Questions, please use the contact details below:
Name Contact details
Dartmoor National Park
01626 831066
Devon County Council
01392 381222
South Hams District Council
01803 861234
Teignbridge District Council
01626 215735
Torbay Council
01803 208804