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Lifelong Links in Devon

What is Lifelong Links ?

Lifelong Links is a service created by the Family Rights Group (FRG), and is designed to create a positive support network for young people throughout their time in care and their journey into adulthood. By implementing Lifelong Links in Devon, we aim to enhance relational stability for children in care, and thereby improve outcomes including care stability, mental wellbeing, and reduced homelessness.

Lifelong Links objectives

With the implementation of Lifelong Links in Devon, we aim to:

  • increase the number of supportive, lasting relationships for children in care
  • reduce the number of placement breakdowns
  • improve emotional and mental wellbeing
  • improve educational engagement and attainment
  • improve long term outcomes for children leaving care including an increase in training and employment

The Lifelong Links coordinator sets out to establish connections for young individuals in long-term care. They seek out family members and other significant adults, such as former foster carers and teachers, who hold a vested interest in the child’s wellbeing and are willing to make a life-long commitment to that child. Lifelong Links puts the child or young person at the centre and ensures that their voice is paramount throughout the whole process.

The Lifelong Links model includes tools and techniques for the coordinator to work with the young person to search for and find family members (known or unknown to them) and other adults who care about them.

What is a Lifelong Links Family Group Conference?

The conference will bring together the young person, their support network and professionals to make a life-long support plan and to celebrate reconnecting them. The Lifelong Links plan will be written up by the coordinator and shared with everyone present to be embedded into the young person’s care plan.

Steps of the process

Step 1: Initial discussions are held between the Family Group Conference (FGC) manager and referrer (the child’s social worker).

Step 2: Agreement from the child and consent from those with parental responsibility.

Step 3: Referral made.

Step 4: Planning stage:

  • Objectives.
  • Restraints or risks.
  • Child’s support.
  • Carer participation.

Step 5: Coordinator meets with the child.

Step 6: Using various tools, the coordinator will map the child’s experiences, history and network. Those tools include:

  • mobility mapping
  • online searches
  • genogram
  • timeline
  • social connections tool

Step 7: Coordinator contacts identified family and wider network.

Step 8: Coordinator and the child plan Lifelong Links Family Group Conference with referrer.

Step 9: Lifelong Links Family Group Conference held, and a plan is formulated with the child and their network.

Step 10: Plan is incorporated into the child’s existing care plan.

Who is eligible for Lifelong Links?

Children and young people in care or who are care experienced and under the age of 25.

How can I refer someone for Lifelong Links?

If you know of a child or young person who could benefit from Lifelong Links, please contact the mailbox or a coordinator via email for a discussion.

Key contacts

Any enquires can be made to the Lifelong Links mailbox at

Your Devon Lifelong Links team are:

Jeanette Memmott – Senior Lifelong Links Coordinator – Countywide

Hannah Kadach – Lifelong Links Coordinator for Mid and East Devon

Lisa Lawrence – Lifelong Links Coordinator for North Devon

Rachel England – Lifelong Links Coordinator for South Devon

Jamie Masters – Lifelong Links Coordinator for Exeter
