About SEND
What is SEND?
Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) can affect a child or young person’s ability to learn, compared to other children and young people of the same age.
New to SEND
It can feel overwhelming if you, or your child has, or might have, a special educational need or disability, but help and support is available.
SEND: Who's who?
An overview of key professionals who may support children, young people and their families.
SEND support in Devon
There’s a range of support in Devon for children and young people with SEND, depending on their needs.
SEND support if you live outside Devon
Information about SEND from other local councils if you don’t live in the Devon County Council area.
Working together
How we are working with children and young people with SEND and their families and ways you can get involved and have your say.
Understanding the support available in Devon
Services in Devon work together to provide support to children and young people who may need a little extra help, or have special education needs or disabilities.
Areas of need
The SEND Code of Practice categorises SEND into four broad ‘areas of need’. Find out more about what these are, and the support available to children and young people in Devon.
Where to find further information about specific health conditions and neurodiversity support