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Officer Decisions

Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment - Dave Black

Summary of Matter or Issue Requiring Decision:

Approval to proceed with construction for a zebra controlled pedestrian crossing scheme on the B3261 Lyme Road, Axminster, located close to St Mary’s School. Approval is required to deliver the scheme before normal school travel activities return.

Decision Taken:


Summary of Reason(s) for Decision Taken:

The new crossing will serve St Marys School, the Church and wider community. It was programmed to be constructed in 2020/21, subject to a scheme approval by the East Devon HATOC in April. Due to the cancellation of this HATOC, there is a need to progress a scheme at the earliest opportunity, to take advantage of currently available contractor resources and to deliver the scheme before normal school activities resume in the Autumn.

The estimated cost of the scheme is £49,500 and Local Transport Plan funding has been identified under the Transport Capital Programme for 2020/21-2021/22. The scheme has been subject to detailed design and audits.

St Marys school is identified for expansion to provide new facilities for an increase in pupil capacity. A safer crossing facility on the B3261 is an important measure identified to support the schools future travel planning.

The following have been contacted and are content that this scheme can proceed:

Local Member: Cllr Ian Hall 3 June 2020
Chair of HATOC: Councillor Stuart Hughes 11 June 2020
Finance Officer: Denise Travers 16 June 2020

Summary of Alternatives or Options considered and rejected:

Alternative crossing options were considered as part of the design process. And the option to delay construction until a scheme can be approved by a full HATOC has also been considered. If construction is delayed, then there is no certainty that a contractor may still be available later in the year.

To minimise disruption, it is advantageous to undertake construction works when normal school activities are not in operation. And delivering the crossing as early as possible in 2020/21 will support safer travel to school in the post lockdown period.

Details of any conflict of interest and dispensation granted to the Officer taking the decision or by any Member of the Council in delegating responsibility for any specific express delegation:


Contact for enquiries/further information:
James Anstee Tel: 01392 382727 Email:
Decision Date:
17 June 2020

A copy of this decision and any supporting documentation considered by the Officer taking this decision may also be made available or inspection by the public at the Council’s Offices or posted upon payment of any copying and postage charges. Any member of the public wishing to take up either of these options is asked to please ring 01392 382888 or email:
