Temporary traffic lights schedule

Please send some example (i) schedules of rates and (ii) frameworks that include traffic management / temporary traffic light products / services

How long are these frameworks set for?

How frequently are schedules of rates for these products / services updated?

Please see this Devon County Council webpage for the schedules of rates.

The council follows national guidance in provision of traffic management /temporary traffic light requirements and specification.

This includes The Form of Contract for Highways Maintenance Services and other publicly available guidance.

Frameworks are for 4 years and other contracts vary.

What are the criteria that councils use to evaluate traffic management providers against their frameworks? (e.g. quality – what comprises this? Environmental / H&S considerations?)

Which KPIs does the council use to keep track of these objectives? (e.g. how is quality / price measured and compared)

The County Council approaches its decision making based on specific needs for each project and the criteria for evaluation are considered as part of each instance.

As such it is not possible to state general criteria as the factors will vary according to the needs of each individual project, therefore Devon County Council does not hold this information.

Within your organisation, what are the job titles with responsibility for:

Design and specification of traffic management systems

Procurement of traffic management systems / services

Evaluation of traffic management provider performance

There are numerous job titles who may be involved at various stages, including Engineers, Technicians, Contract Managers and Procurement Officers.

The Directors with responsibility are :-

Director Climate Change, Environment and Transport

Director of Finance.

Further information about Devon County Council’s leadership group can be found on this webpage.

What proportion of roads are classified as traffic sensitive? Split by road type (A, B, C, etc.) if available.




This data is reviewed every 5 years. The next review is planned for 2023. The last available data is as follows:

Network Miles Miles Traffic Sensitive Percentage that is TS
A Class 1,043 476 45.64%
B Class 408 173 42.40%
C Class 2,804 66 2.35%
Unclassified Roads 4,194 21 0.50%

For each of two-/three-/four-way temporary traffic lights, how many are installed in a year?


2 way – 2,118

Multi way– 1,416

Total – 3,534


2 way – 2,579

Multi way– 1,802

Total – 4,381


2 way – 3,191

Multi way– 2,193

Total – 5,384

What percentage of installed two-/three-/four-way temporary traffic lights use automated traffic detection systems for improving traffic flow (e.g. SRL’s Adaptive Detection System (ADS) / Pike’s AutoGreen)?




Devon County Council does not hold this information.

What percentage of installed two-/three-/four-way temporary traffic lights use UTMC?




Devon County Council does not hold this information.