Project Management

1. Who is the most senior person responsible for project management within the council?
2. What is their job title?
3. What are their contact details (email address and contact number)?
4. How many people across the council (including contractors) are involved with projects on average, on an annual basis?
5. What software package(s) does the council use for project, programme and/or portfolio management? (If none or spreadsheets, please stipulate)
6. In the event that the council uses project management software:
7. When do to the software licences expire?
8. Which departments access the software (i.e. I.T./Property etc)?
9. How many users access the software?

Devon County Council (DCC) believes compliance with this request would exceed the appropriate costs limit under section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 which is £450 or 18 hours of officer time. This is because DCC do not have a separate project management department, we utilise project management throughout our entire organisation. Therefore, to find and collate all of the information to answer these questions, we would need to contact every department within DCC. Due to the sheer volume of departments we believe this would take well in excess of 18 hours. 

In the interests of providing advice and assistance, please refer to the Contracts Register and Leadership Wheel.