Prepaid card services – spend and providers

1. How much (in GB sterling) did the council spend on its Prepaid cards services, annually, between (and including) 2010 and 2020?
2. How many individuals received funds through prepaid cards from the council annually between (and including) 2010 and 2020?

Devon County Council does not have this information available in the format requested.  To extract this information, especially over a ten year period, would take significantly longer than the appropriate limit of 18 hours and therefore, pursuant to s.12 of the Freedom of Information Act 200, we are not obliged to provide this information.

3. Between (and including) 2010 and 2020, in respect of each public tender run by Devon County Council, what bids did Devon County Council receive from suppliers applying to provide the council’s Prepaid card services? By ‘suppliers’, I am referring to any third party offering to provide Devon County Council with pre-payment cards and run or manage the operation of Prepaid card services in return for a fee.

The only open tender Devon County Council has run for Pre-paid cards was in 2012 where three bids were received.

4. For each bid, please provide the name of the provider, details of the month and year the bid was made, any and all proposed fees, and whether the bid was successful (i.e., whether the council accepted the bid and partnered with the third-party service provider).

All bids are submitted with the expectation of confidentiality.   The names and details of bids are therefore confidential and this information is exempt from disclosure pursuant to s. 41 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

A contract was, however, awarded to Aquarium Card Management Solutions in 2012.