Grants or funding to Nancy Potter House or the Estuary League of Friends

How much in grants or funding and any other expenditure has been allocated to the Nancy Potter House or the Estuary League of Friends, Topsham, Exeter, since January 2018 up to the present date?

The following table shows all direct payments made to the Estuary Community Hub and the Estuary League of Friends from 2017/18

Estuary Community Hub CIC Estuary League of Friends
£ £
2017/18 £5,496.00
2018/19 £35.00  £13,890.00
2019/20 £2,863.00  £4,962.00
2020/21 £800.00  £21,415.00
2021/22 £2,645.00  £41,741.00
2022/23 £2,260.00  £30,795.00
 £8,603.00  £118,299.00