Agency spending

What was the value of spend on temporary staff from recruitment agencies by the council in 2021-2022? 
Please also ensure that a gross spend value is detailed and include all spend associated to any contract let for the management/provision of temporary staff by a contracted provider (whether Vendor neutral or Master vendor). – Please ensure that all figures are provided separately by year. 

The total for the financial year 2021-2022 is £15,223,40.  With respect to the the further questions regarding the contract, please refer to our response below.

2) If you have a managed service provider (MSP) in place for the provision of temporary agency staff, please provide the following; a. How was the contract to manage/provide the supply of agency/temporary staff let? 
b. Who was the contract to manage/provide the supply of agency/temporary staff let to? 
c. When did the contract to manage / provide the supply of temporary / agency staff commence, how long does it run for and what is the end date? 
d. Does your MSP cover Education recruitment? 
e. If not, which provider do you use to fill Education specific roles? 

Devon County Council’s Human Resource team act as our MSP.  There is therefore no external contract.