Adult safeguarding referrals

Between the dates of 1st Jan 2021 and 30th of Jan 2022 how many adult safeguarding referrals have been received from the following organisations “Department for Work & Pensions”, “Centre for Health & Disability Assessments also known as Maximus”, “ATOS also known as Independent Assessment Services” and “Capita”?

During this time period, Devon County Council received a grand total of 7871 Adult Safeguarding Referrals.    We do not hold a central record of the information requested.   To extract the information would therefore require an individual review of every referral.  Allowing for, say, 5 minutes per review, this would take in excess of 600 hours.  This is in excess of the appropriate limit of 18 hours and therefore, pursuant to s.12 of Freedom of Information Act 200, we are not obliged to disclose this information.