Domiciliary care providers

1. A list of all Registered Providers, Housing Associations and Healthcare Providers that have been approved on your framework to provide supported living and your framework for domiciliary care.

This information is available via the link below:

Registered providers

2. An organisational chart for Devon County Council showing each staff members position/ department and relationship and contact information if possible.

Please use the following links to view published information, including names and job titles, of Devon County Council Devon County Council Leadership Team and Councillors
All Devon County Council employees can be contacted by calling 01392 383000 and asking for the relevant person when prompted, or by emailing the person using their
You may also find our Facts and figures webpages useful.

3. The latest Market Position Statement for Adult Social Care Services in your borough

This information is publicly available on the Provider Engagements Network  website

Details of previous responses found on the Council’s publication scheme may be helpful Domicilliary care rates and tendering