From 1 October 2018 the Flood Risk Management Team will be offering a pre-application advice service for developers and consultants wanting specific sustainable drainage or flood risk advice on major developments. Please read the information on our website regarding Pre-application advice before submitting an application.
What you will need to complete the form:
- Information about the proposed location (Site Location Plan, Site Address, NGR)
- Details of the proposal
- Any information such as topographic surveys, ground investigation (such as infiltration testing), proposed site layouts, details of any previous applications
- Any additional documents relating to the application
The form will take approximately 10 – 20 minutes to complete.
Please see our privacy notice for information on how your data will be managed and your rights under the Data Protection Act 2018.
If you have any questions please contact DCC Flood Risk Team on 0345 155 1015 (ask for flood risk) or emailĀ