Funding Friday

Tesco Stronger Starts

Tesco Stronger Starts is open to charities and community organisations to apply for a grant of up to £1,500.

Every three months, three local good causes are selected to be in the blue token customer vote in Tesco stores throughout the UK.

Grants will be awarded to schools, voluntary or community organisations (including registered charities/companies), health bodies (e.g. Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), NHS Hospital Trust, Foundation Trust), Parish/Town Councils, local authorities and social housing providers.

Applications are open to all local good causes, but we are currently prioritising helping projects that support children’s food security and health and local store nominated good causes.

This is not an exhaustive list and other project ideas also welcomed.

Examples include:

  • School Breakfast clubs
  • Holiday clubs
  • Play areas
  • Food banks
  • Counselling and support services for children
  • Equipment or non-statutory services for nurseries or schools e.g. forest schools, library books
  • Equipment for Brownie, Guide or Scout Groups e.g. camping equipment, badges
  • Services or equipment to support children and young people’s health
  • Equipment/kit for youth sports teams

Apply for a grant (