Please complete the parents childcare survey if you are a parent of a child or young person. Please also share it with the families that you work with, your friends and your family and on your website, social media platforms and newsletters. The closing date is Wednesday 31st July 2024. Thank you for your help.
Month: July 2024
Take up of places by 2, 3 and 4 year olds in Devon is consistently high
The DfE have published updated statistics on children registered for funded early education and childcare entitlements in England. Devon figures are consistently higher than both the South West and England averages, particularly with respect to two year old take up.
Paediatric bladder and bowel care service training and education
Dealing with continence problems in early year’s settings and schools can be difficult. Toilet training is happening later now than in previous generations and schools report that increasing numbers of children are not toilet trained on admission. Want to learn more about how children can be supported with this area of their development? Book onto a free training session!
Early Years Foundation Stage conference: Giving all our children a voice – Thursday 3 October 2024 at Sandy Park, Exeter (9am – 4pm)
Join us for our annual EYFS conference to share, discuss and update practice, knowledge and skills in support of early years children. This year we will explore how we can give all our children, including those with SEND, and EAL, the speech and language skills, and the confidence they need, to speak and be heard.
Letter to the education workforce from Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson and event invite
You are invited to join the live event taking place on Tuesday 16th July at 4pm with the new Secretary of State where she will share her vision for education, children’s services and skills, and through a live chat function you will be able to share your views too.
Devon’s recruitment event to promote careers in early years and childcare – 12 and 13 July in Exeter
On Friday 12th July and Saturday 13th July members of the Early Years and Childcare Service will be at Princesshay in Exeter where we will be promoting careers in the early years and childcare sector. We will be screening our new recruitment advert!
The parents childcare survey 2024
Please complete the parents childcare survey if you are a parent of a child or young person. Please also share it with the families that you work with, your friends and your family and on your website, social media platforms and newsletters. The closing date is Wednesday 31st July 2024. Thank you for your help.
Wraparound childcare – briefing sessions for providers
Schools and private, voluntary and independent sector providers (including childminders and HAF providers) are invited to a briefing session, running on 15th July at 12pm, which will enable you to learn more about the wraparound programme here in Devon.
Training and development opportunities for early years and childcare practitioners
View the latest training for early years and childcare practitioners in Devon.
Early Years Foundation Stage conference: Giving all our children a voice – Thursday 3 October 2024 at Sandy Park, Exeter (9am – 4pm)
Join us for our annual EYFS conference to share, discuss and update practice, knowledge and skills in support of early years children. This year we will explore how we can give all our children, including those with SEND, and EAL, the speech and language skills, and the confidence they need, to speak and be heard.