Officer Decisions (archive)
Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, Development and Waste - Councillor Andrea Davis
Decision to award the Authority’s contract for the collection, haulage and recovery of glass bottles and jars collected by the District Councils of Devon (CP1540-18).
To award a contract to the below organisation for the provision of the above service.
URM (UK) Limited T/A Berryman, 49 Lidgate Crescent, Langthwaite Business Park, South Kirkby, West Yorkshire. WF9 3NR
Company Registration Number and legal form: 4084246 – Limited Company.
The service will commence on 1st April 2019 and expires on 31st March 2022 with option to extend the contract by periods totaling a maximum of 2 further years.
An Open Procedure tendering exercise has been undertaken in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.
The Authority received a single tender in response to its invitation to tender.
The paper recommending the award of the contract to the above-mentioned company has been supported by the Head of Service for Waste Management and the Authority’s Strategic Procurement Manager.
However, in accordance with the Authority’s procedures for receipt of single tenders, the decision to award the contract is required by the Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, Development and Waste.
Not applicable
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