• Healthy Child Programme

    1. What is the current 0-19 Healthy Child Programme contract duration (start date and end date)? The provision of the 0-19 Healthy Child Programme is within Devon County Council (DCC). As the service is delivered “in-house” there is no contract. … Continue reading

  • Education and Social Care data

    1. On average (a rough estimate is acceptable), how many days per week do students attend Petroc College (North Devon Campus)? 2. On average (a rough estimate is acceptable), how many days per week do students attend Petroc College (Tiverton … Continue reading

  • Ko Hsuan School and Rajneesh Medina School

    Please provide any and all information regarding Ko Hsuan School (Devon). Including but not limited to: a. The Registration records for Ko Hsuan School; b. Information regarding the governance structure of the above school, including the individuals/entities responsible for the … Continue reading

  • Primary schools

    Please can you provide the following information related to primary schools in Devon (specifically, Mid Devon, if you are able to narrow the data down this far). For each school, related to the 2024/25 academic year: 1. The maximum number … Continue reading

  • Software Providers – Education, Childrens and Adults

    1. The software suppliers your Local Authority uses for: a. Education management, (including but not limited to Admissions, Early Years, Home to School Transport, Free School Meals, Children in Employment, Children in Entertainment, Children’s Missing Education, SEND, NEET, Youth Offending, … Continue reading

  • School Local Authority Support Units (SLSUs)

    Please provide information held by your council on its tech support hubs, which are also known as School Local Authority Support Units (SLSUs) – these are teams that advise schools on tech matters, like which Management Information Suppliers (MIS) they … Continue reading

  • Schools and academies age range

    Q1 I would like to know how many schools and academies have requested to lower their age range below the age of 4 in the academic year 2023-24 and 2022-23 (separately) Devon County Council (DCC) do not hold full information … Continue reading