Working from home policies

a) How many employees in your organisation work from home (work from home being more than 5 hours per day) more than once a week?

Devon County Council (DCC) does not hold this information. This is because we do not keep a record of the number of employees who work from home more than once a week.

b) The number of employees in your organisation and, of these, the number able to perform their work remotely (i.e., not those who are front-line workers) and the number who have started returning to in person work.

All employees who are not front-line workers are able to work some form of remote working.  We do not record information on the number of employees returning to in person work.

c) What percentage of time, per week, are employees in your organisation entitled to work from home?

There is no set percentage of time, per week, that employees are entitled to work from home.  This is based on the specific needs of the service area.