Unregulated semi-independent accommodation

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please can you provide me with
responses to the following:

1/ The total number of children under the age of 16 who have been placed in unregulated semi-independent accommodation (also known as supported accommodation) since 9 September 2021, when the government banned these placements. Please also provide the age of the youngest child placed in this type of placement since the ban came into force.


2/ How many ‘on notice’ claims have been made under public liability for abuse and neglect faced by the authority’s Looked After Children during their placement or education in children’s homes, semi-independent accommodation (16+ supported accommodation) and independent schools since 1st January 2017? Please break down each ‘on notice’ claim by the date, institution (e.g. children’s home), outcome (successful etc.), description of the abuse or neglect, and compensation amount.

Disclosure of this information would potentially identify the claimants and would therefore disclose their personal data. This would be a breach of the first data protection principle and this information is therefore exempt from disclosure pursuant to section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000