Please provide details of all trees felled and pruned by Devon County Council (or its suppliers/contractors) including highway works within Exeter City, within the last two years. Information to include;
– Location (Plan(s), ward, postcode, road, grid reference etc)
– Conservation status of tree / tree location (Conservation Area, TPO protected, listed park and garden, setting of a listed building etc.)
– Date of works
– Tree species, age, vigour, quality, size/DBH, safe useful life expectancy, valuation (CAVAT / BS5837:2012 etc.) prior to felling/works
– Technical justification for the instructed works (including listed defects)
– Who instructed the works
– Date and details of inspections for active bird nesting and/or bat roost potential undertaken prior to commencement of works.
– Confirmation of whether felled trees were subsequently replaced and if so, when and with what tree species (see below).
– In terms of trees felled or pruned from a highway safety point of view, we can confirm that we ordered a total of 271 actions within the Exeter city area from 01/01/2018 to 31/12/2019.
We do not hold a central record of the further information requested; to therefore obtain all of the information for each of the 271 actions would require an individual records for each tree. Allowing for an estimate of 15 minutes per record, this would take approximately 68 hours. This is in excess of the appropriate time limit of 18 hours and therefore, pursuant to s.12 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, we are therefore not obliged to provide this information.
Please also provide details of all new tree planting undertaken by Devon County Council (or its suppliers/contractors) including highway works within Exeter City within the last two years and proposed within the next 18 months. Information to include;
– Location (Plan(s), ward, postcode, road, grid reference etc.)
– Conservation status of proposed tree / tree location (Conservation Area, listed park and garden, setting of a listed building etc.)
– Planting date (or proposed planting date)
– Tree species, size, form, root condition
– Whether the planted tree is a replacement for a tree that has failed or been felled.
We can confirm the following information in relation to tree planting within the Exeter city area within the last two years:
Matford lane Exeter: 4 standard Birch trees planted to replace previously removed trees in this conservation area.
Prospect Park Exeter: replacement of 4 trees all now vandalised.
Marlborough Ave: 3 standard Cherry trees replacing previously removed trees.