Temporary traffic lights in the Tiverton area

1. On how many days have there been temporary traffic lights on the stretch of road from Horsdon Road (EX16 4FE) to Manley Lane (EX16 4NG)?  Specifically, along Blundell’s Road and Post Hill, between January 2020 and the 12th November 2022 (1,046 days)?

Devon County Council (DCC) holds the following information about Temporary traffic lights in Tiverton.pdf at this location and between the dates specified.

2. How many days out of the 1,046 was permission given to more than one organisation (including emergency requests) at the same time along this stretch of road? 

DCC does not hold the exact information requested. However, the number of days can be calculated from the Temporary traffic lights in Tiverton.pdf information.

This data is provided with the following explanatory context:

  • As the ‘Street Authority’ DCC has a duty to coordinate works on the highway. Those performing works (promoters) have a duty to cooperate with the authority in performing that function.
  • When and where possible, in carrying out that function, the authority will encourage and facilitate promoters to collaborate and allow works to run concurrently.  This is to reduce the amount of time roads are impacted by street works activity.
  • Sometimes, utilities are unable to collaborate on a site for health and safety reasons (gas and electric) necessitating works to run consecutively at a location.
  • The number of days shown for each set or works relate to when the ‘works start’ and ‘works stop’ were recorded by the promoter and not when the temporary traffic lights were or were not in operation.
  • DCC does not hold information on the specific periods of time during the works period when the lights were or were not in operation.