Taw estuary

1. Has the Council had any contact with the Ministry of Defence regarding access to the Site of Special Scientific Interest on the Taw estuary from the families’ accommodation at RMB Chivenor?

There has been contact between staff at RMB Chivenor and Andrew Bell, who heads up the North Devon UNESCO Biosphere Service, which is hosted and financially supported by Devon County Council. This contact was to address environmental enhancements that might be undertaken at the site and did include reference to issues connected with access to the estuary and foreshore in the light of concerns about increasing disturbance to roosting birds associated with the Taw-Torridge Estuary Site of Special Scientific Interest. These disturbance concerns were raised in a report produced about two years ago, which has initiated action from Torridge District Council and North Devon Council, both of which are involved in activity linked to the North Devon UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.

2. Is the Council aware of any easement regarding access to the estuary from the families accommodation in order to reach the public docking area on the Taw estuary?
