Subject access request processing

1. How many SAR request have been made to the council in the last 12 months?

332 between 13/07/2019 to the 13/07/2020.

2. Please provide a breakdown of the specific departments that these SARs relate to?

Adult Social Care
Archived Child Care
Children Social Care
Education, including Special Educational Needs (SEN)
Human Resources
Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)

Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
Public Health Nursing

3. Is there a central response to SARs or is it devolved to the departments involved?

The Information Governance Team coordinate and compile responses but the services above, or their business support teams where applicable, also input.

4. How many staff deal with responses?

5 in the Information Governance Team.

5. On average how many hours are spent dealing with a SAR?

We do not hold this information. We record how many hours each subject access request takes where possible but do not calculate an average – each request is different in size and complexity and we do not currently have a business need for an average.

6. Do you have any software to assist with SAR production?

We have interpreted your request to mean the production of files necessary to make responses to subject access request.

Yes, we use software.