Special Needs Schools

Each point requests data for special needs schools from the start of 2016/17 academic year:

1. How many local authority, commissioned places for each academic year?

Information we hold in relation to this question can be found on this spreadsheet

Please note, this information relates to maintained/academy and free special schools only.

2. What is the capacity of each school, for each academic year?

Information we hold in relation to this question can be found on this spreadsheet

Please note, physical capacity is not the operational capacity of a new school, which must have a phased opening. This is usually over 2 years

3. How many children are on the roll for each academic year?

Information we hold in relation to this question can be found on this spreadsheet

4. How many special schools have had work done to physically extend the school and what was the total cost of these works per school?

Information we hold in relation to this question can be found on this spreadsheet

5. What is the prediction for place demand for the next three academic years?

6. What is the overall expected change in place demand for the next three years across the local authority?

For answers to questions 5 and 6, please refer to this spreadsheet

7. How many places were commissioned at schools out of borough? Please state which local authority area these were in.

Information we hold in relation to this question can be found on this spreadsheet

Please note, an * denotes information that, if disclosed, would contravene the first data protection principle of the Data Protection Act 2018, by making these children identifiable. As such, S40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act (Personal Data) is applied and this information is exempt.