Sexual health services – contract and provision

Can you please tell me:

1. Who the authority contracts with for Sexual health services?

The details of Devon County Council’s (DCC) main sexual health contract are available via the the Contracts Register.

That contract covers the vast majority of all DCC sexual health work.

There are two additional, smaller contracts that were directly awarded last year:

North Devon Healthcare NHS Trust  for the c-card scheme which provides condoms.

Eddystone for community-based interventions.

There is then a relatively small amount of sexual health work contained within our larger primary care contracts – with GPs and with community pharmacies.

2. What services are covered e.g. STI testing & treatment, Contraception, HIV ?

Please refer to the response to question 1.

In both cases, can you please tell me:

1. What is the value of the current contract?

Please refer to the response to question 1.

2. How many years was the current contract awarded for?

Please refer to the response to question 1.

3. When does the current contract expire?

Please refer to the response to question 1.

4. When is the next retendering process scheduled to begin?

This has not yet been scheduled.

5. What local authority areas are covered by these services?

These services cover the whole of Devon County Council’s area.