School Transport Costs

What was the total cost to your council in the 2016/17 academic year of transporting children registered as living in your council’s area by taxi to schools outside your council area and the numbers of children being transported?

140 passengers – £295,009

Of these, without revealing any names or personal data, can you tell me furthest five distances travelled by taxi by these pupils and the transport costs to the council in 2016/17 of each?

Route 1: 137 miles – £296
Route 2: 132 miles – £1,740
Route 3: 84 miles – £3,990
Route 4: 124 miles – £1,125
Route 5: 60 miles – £8,190

Can you break the overall figures (both numbers of children and cost) down into two groups – children with special needs and deaf children – providing also the distances travelled by the five children in each group that travelled the furthest by taxi and the cost to the council of each?

Children with special needs
114 passengers – £259,344

Route 1: 137 miles – £296
Route 2: 132 miles – £1,740
Route 3: 124 miles – £1,125
Route 4: 84 miles – £3,990
Route 5: 60 miles – £8,190

Children with hearing disabilities
* passengers – £2,538

Route 1: 5 miles – £2,538
No other routes.

* Devon County Council does hold this information but as disclosure may identify individuals it may breach the first principle of the Data Protection Act 2018; therefore, this information is exempt under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Section 40 (2) Personal Data