Roadworks 2019- 2021

I would like to request the number of street works and road works carried out by the council for both the 2019/20 and 2020/21 financial years

The number of completed street and road works carried out by the County Council in 2019/20 was 4,635 and in 2020/21 it was 4,351

I would also like to know the longest-running works that took place in both of these periods

From our preliminary assessment, we estimate that compliance with this request would exceed the appropriate costs limit under Regulation 12 (4) of the Environmental Information Regulations.  

This is currently £450 or 18 hours of officer time. It is not feasible to determine the longest running works for either period without interrogating every individual set of Council works for each time period. To do the calculation for just one of the incidents takes approximately 10 minutes, and this would need to be done 4635 times for 2019/2020 and 4351 for 2020/2021.