Residential SEN schools: numbers, providers and costs

In residential SEN schools

Children in care

* Total number of children from your local authority
* Number of children cared for by your own local authority provision
* Number of children cared for by another local authority’s provision
* Number of children cared for by independent provision
* The number of children cared for by each independent provider (e.g. Cambian Childcare, Witherslack Group, Bright Futures Care Ltd, Acorn Education and Care etc)
Available Places
* Total places available to your local authority from your local authority
* Total places available to your local authority from another local authority
* Total places available to your local authority from independent provision
* If available, places available to your local authority by each independent provider (e.g. Cambian Childcare, Witherslack Group, Bright Futures Care Ltd, Acorn Education and Care etc)

Cost to your local authority

* Average cost per child per week of local authority provision
* Average price per child per week to your local authority of independent provision
* If available, average cost per child per week to your local authority for each independent provider.

The information can be found on this Devon County Council webpage.