Public Health Funerals


“Has the Council conducted any public health funerals since 01/01/2018- the date of your response.  Can you please include any pending funerals?   

If the answer to the above question is ‘yes’, can you send me the deceased’s:
a) Full name
b) Date of birth
c) Date of death
d) Date of funeral
e) Last Known Address and if privately owned or rented
f) Whether the Council has located a next of kin?
g) Whether the Council has located a will?
h) Whether details of the estate have been/will be referred to the Government Legal Department?
i) Approximate value of estate (if known)?
j)In each case, has the Council given the information away in another FOI request
k) In each case, has the Council passed the information (outside the parameters of FOI) to a probate or genealogy firm? If so which ones and when? l) Any other information the Council holds about the deceased.”


Please note that Devon County Council is not responsible for public health funerals and therefore does not hold the information requested.  This is a function provided by District and Unitary councils in Devon.  Please contact them directly using the information on the links provided to obtain this information.