Public electric vehicle charging points

What is the name of your Local Authority in Full?

Devon County Council

How many Public EV charging points are there within the local authority area?

We do not hold that information

What is the most common speed of EV charging points within the local authority area? Please choose one answer or select N/A if there are no EV charging points.
* Fast (7kW Single Phase)
* Faster (22kW Three Phase)
* Rapid (43kW AC/50kW DC)
* Ultra-Rapid (100+kW DC)
* N/A

We do not hold that information

How many 22kW or above EV charging points are planned for installation within your local authority in the next 12 months?

We do not hold that information. However, we can confirm that Devon County Council is planning to install 22kW chargepoints in approximately 80 public car parks in the next 12 months

How many EV charging providers currently operate within your Local Authority?

We do not hold that information.

Do public EV charging points need planning permission in your Local Authority? Please select one…
* NO

DCC is not a planning authority.  We would recommend that you contact district or unitary authorities for this information. Details of their contact information can be found here

Does the Local Authority currently operate any public EV charging points? Please select one…
* NO


Does the Local Authority have an EV charging point strategy in place? Please select one…
* NO


How does your Local Authority plan to pay for installing future EV charging points? Please select one…
* A. Local Authority owned and operated
* B. Public/Private partnership
* C. Wholly third party owned and operated

We do not have a determined policy

What is the greatest barrier to the deployment of EV charging points? Please select one…
* A. Cost
* B. Energy network constraints (lack of network capacity)
* C. Lack of demand from members of the Public
* D. Changes in technology making installations redundant