Parental alienation tool

Who developed this ‘Adapted tool’ for use by DCC ‘ please give their job titles (if appropriate) and their professional qualifications.

 We do not hold this information as the tool was adopted for use by social workers by signposting them to the CAFCASS tool on the CAFCASS website.

When was this tool was first issued to DCC practitioners for their use, and what accompanying directions/guidance was issued?

 We do not hold this information, guidance would not have been issued, officers would be directed to the CAFCASS website.

When was this tool was first formally included in DCC resources?

We do not hold this information. The tool is not formally included in council resources but is an option for officers to use if they see fit.

List any revisions that have taken place ‘ listing year and attaching previous versions?

We do not hold this information, the tool is owned and managed by CAFCASS.

Please provide Current directions/recommendations/guidelines for the use of the adapted tool by providing any internal and/or external policy documents that relate to this tool.

We do not hold this information.

What current methods and procedures are in place for managers to record observation regarding establishing use, and of managers checking, moderating and establishing, accurate and effective use?

 We do not hold this information.

Please could you confirm what sections of the children’s act (i.e. sec 7, sec 17) apply to the use of this adapted tool when compiling reports.

 We do not hold this information.

Please could you confirm whether this tool has been updated since it was initially deployed and if so when.

 We do not hold this information, the tool is owned and managed by CAFCASS.

 Please could you confirm whether this tool and the results/reporting’s/findings from it are specifically identified and reflected in every report in which it is utilised.

 We are unable to confirm this as the use of the tool is not monitored. To identify the relevant information would require an examination of every report in which it may have been used, which would require officer time more than the 18 hours specified under the Freedom of Information Act Section 12 Cost of Compliance and is therefore exempt from disclosure.

 You have confirmed this is your only tool with regards to cover Parental Alienation/Implacable hostility. With the information given to date DCCs version of the tool appears to be identical to the Cafcass version of the tool which has been publicly evaluated by Dr Craig Childress. His report summary was ‘The Impact of Parental Conflict Tool appears to be a haphazard collection of symptoms that employs no underlying organizational conceptual framework in guiding the development or use of the questions (i.e., no construct validity)’. In short not fit for use. Please provide a copy of your version of the tool for evaluation. And highlight the differences between the Cafcass and DCC tools.

 Devon County Council uses the CAFCASS tool linked to below, we do not have our own version, therefore we do not hold this information.