Meals on Wheels

Please can you tell me in each year over the last 10 years –
how much the council has spent on a meals-on-wheels service each year

Refer to link for Devon County Councils response  Meals on Wheels

2008 – 2014 Devon County Council does not record this number in a manner that can be easily extracted from our systems.  Therefore, to provide an answer, we would have to undertake a manual interrogation of each record.  We estimate that to carry out this exercise per individual record would take 1 minute.  Therefore, to conclude this exercise for all 4952 cases would take approximately 83 hours to complete.

Under the Freedom of Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004 public authorities are not obliged to comply with requests which exceed the cost limit of £450 (equating to 18 hours of time).  For this reason, we believe that Section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act applies (cost of compliance exceeds the appropriate limits).

who has provided this service each year

how many meals were distributed in each year

how much the service has cost per person each year

See question one above.