Low Temperature Asphalt

1. Local Highway Authority name

Devon County Council (DCC)

2. Does DCC use Low Temperature Asphalts (LTA) as part of its’ highways maintenance programme?


3. What percentage of total asphalt used in the last 3 years, for reactive and planned highways maintenance, do you estimate to be laid with LTA?

2019/2020 – 10%
2020/2021 – 35%
2021/2022 – 50%

4. Please provide an estimated total tonnage of asphalt laid for patching and resurfacing maintenance schemes for the last 3 financial years.

DCC do not hold this information

5. Please provide an estimated m2 of patching and resurfacing maintenance schemes delivered for the last 3 financial years.

DCC do not hold this information

6. Please provide an estimated number of potholes repaired in the last 3 financial years.

2019/2020 – 48487
2020/2021 – 52125
2021/2022 – 44260

7. What do you think the blockers are to delivering 100% of your highway maintenance programme with LTA? Please check any that apply or provide free text if other blockers perceived.

This question can not be processed under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, as it is a request for an opinion, not for information we hold. However, under advice and assistance, we can provide you with the opinion of our Highway Asset Management Groups below:

Blockers Yes/No
Procurement (i.e. contract spec’s) N
Availability of supply Y
Design Standards N
Effect on pavement life N
Quality  N
Workability of material N
Awareness of these materials N
Other – please provide details N