Looked After Children and Care Leavers

Please complete the table below with the data regarding eligible children and care leavers in your local authority at 30 June 2021

For each Children in the care of the local authority (s.31 Children Act 1989) Children accommodated by the local Authority (s.20 Children Act 1989) Young people entitled to leaving care support (para.19B of Schedule 2 Children Act 1989; s.23A(2) Children Act 1989; and s.23C(1) Children Act 1989)
Total number 684  125  431
Are non-British EU, EEA or Swiss national citizens  6  1  4
have made EUSS applications  5  1  1
have made applications for British Citizenship  4  1  0
have received settled status  5  0  0
have received pre-settled status  0  0  0
have received other outcome:  0  0  1 pending
o   refused 0 0 not held
o   invalid 0 0 not held
o   withdrawn/void 0 0 not held