Hedge and verge management

Verge management

1 Does the Authority directly manage any highway verges using its own workforce?


2 Does the Authority manage any highway verges by contracting third parties to undertake works?


If yes, please state the number of contracts in force at the time of writing and their total annual value, and the approximate total length or area of verge (whichever measure is more convenient) managed by third parties on behalf of the Authority.

We have 36 contracts with Exeter City Council and our District Council partners, total value of £160,709.00 area cut is 278,722 m2.. TMC contract value is £1,346,000 and the  total area cut is 2,306,010m2

Please provide a copy of any written specification(s) for the contracted verge management works – if there are several substantively different specifications in force at the same time, please provide copies of a representative sample (max 10).

This can be viewed at grass cutting policy

3 Please state how the Authority demonstrated its duty to have regard for the purpose of conserving biodiversity in drawing up the specifications for roadside verge management, and state what monitoring is undertaken to ensure that the management actually undertaken complies with the contract specification and that it meets the biodiversity objectives identified.

We have reduced the area of  grass verges and hedges that we cut since 2016, we only cut for safety reasons and enabling works such as drainage schemes. We are working with Exeter University to understand the value of our green landscape  including grass verges and hedges and how we can manage and use these assets to benefit biodiversity and support wildlife.

In February 2019 Devon County Council declared a climate emergency and with its partners prepared the Devon Climate Declaration to reduce carbon emissions to become carbon neutral by 2030/31. Included in this declaration are several key areas of focus including need to managed and protect green landscape for the benefit of bio-diversity. As a result we are reviewing our Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Plan (HIAMP) to reflect this change in emphasis -“Highway verges, trees and landscaped areas Will continue to be managed with regard to their nature conservation value and biodiversity principles as well as whole-life costing, highway safety and serviceability”.  Our policies, procedures and contract specifications will be amended to reflect this change.

We also support the ‘Devon Life in the verge’ campaign, more information is available on Managing Verges For Wildlife

Hedge management

4 Does the Authority directly manage any highway hedges using its own workforce?


5 Does the Authority manage any highway hedges by contracting third parties to undertake works?


If yes, please state the number of contracts in force at the time of writing, their total annual value, and the approximate total length managed by third parties on behalf of the Authority. Highway hedge management is usually the responsibility of adjacent landowners.

Devon County Council will only cut hedges on a reactive basis for highway safety. We use our Term Maintenance Contractor or Devon Tree Framework Contractors for this reactive work. Total value or length is not available.

Please provide a copy of any written specification for the contracted hedge management works – if there are several substantively different specifications in force at the same time, please provide copies of a representative sample (max 10).

This can be viewed at Grass Cutting, Hedge Trimming and Weed Control

6 Please state how the Authority demonstrated its duty to have regard for the purpose of conserving biodiversity in drawing up the specifications for roadside hedge management, and what monitoring is undertaken to ensure that the management actually undertaken complies with the contract specification and that it meets the biodiversity objectives identified.

See answers  provided to question number 3.

Devon County Council has a green infrastructure Strategy, the document is available from or Environment team, an online version is accessible via Environment and Landscape | Devon County Council

Devon County Council is working with other partners, such as the Woodland Trust and Devon Wildlife Trust, on tree and hedge planting projects. This includes consideration of planting in highway land where it is safe to do so. A list of tree planting sites arranged or funded through Devon County Council is accessible via Trees, hedges and woodland – Environment (devon.gov.uk)