Gender Neutral/Unisex Toilets

1. What policies does the council have in relation to gender neutral/unisex toilets?


2. How many gender neutral/unisex toilets do you have in council owned buildings?

Devon County Council (DCC) believes compliance with this request would exceed the appropriate costs limit under section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 which is £450 or 18 hours of officer time.

DCC do not maintain a central record of this information relating to council owned properties.   We can confirm that there are circa 240 properties under the control of the DCC and to answer your question would require a review of each building.  This would take approximately 240 hours to complete, averaging 1 hour per building.

3. When were gender neutral/unisex toilets implemented at the council?

DCC do not hold this information. We can tell you that some sites have had unisex toilets for many years, approximately 15 years plus.