Fostering Service Provision

1. Please provide the number of children and average weekly fee for children placed with IFA’s by type of placement and age bands and also at a total level.

Please see the spreadsheet provided by the requester on this Devon County Council webpage for this information.

2. Please provide the number of children and average weekly fee by age bands for children placed with each IFA provider. Also please provide discounts by IFA provider.

Our view is that it would not be in the public interest to share the average fee for this provision. 

This is because sharing this information could jeopardise our ability as a purchasing authority to achieve best value for money.  

Therefore, we are withholding this information in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000, S43(2): Information is exempt information if its disclosure under this Act would, or would be likely to, prejudice the commercial interests of any person (including the public authority holding it). 

3. Please provide a breakdown of the fees you pay your carers by age band and split between maintenance allowance and fee / skill (if applicable).

Devon County Council’s foster carer allowances do not have a split between maintenance and allowance elements. This information can be found on this Devon County Council webpage.

4. Please provide a breakdown of any additional financial support you provide your carers split by age band.

This information can be found on this Devon County Council webpage.

5. When did your foster carers last receive an increase to their fostering allowances? Is there a regular process for reviewing your foster carers’ fees? If so, what is this and how often? What is the mileage your carers are expected to do within their contract? What is the average number of LAC cases your social workers are expected to hold at any one time?

Please see the spreadsheet provided by the requester on this Devon County Council webpage for this information.