Flammable Liquid Spillages Data

1. How many petrol stations are fitted with fuel interceptors in your area?

Exception – Devon County Council (DCC) believes this request is manifestly unreasonable under Regulation 12(4)(b) of the Environmental Information Regulations. 

 Reason – DCC do not hold a central record of figures, as such we would need to manually check the records of around 350-400 sites. Officers estimate this would take several person days to complete. This would place an unreasonable burden on our resources. 

 Public interest test – Whilst DCC believe in the value of openness and transparency, we do not believe it is in the publics best interests to divert our staff resources from their core functions for the prolonged period of time it would take to answer this request. 

In the interests of providing advice and assistance, we are able to provide you with the following information – We licence petroleum storage sites in Devon, Somerset and Torbay (not Plymouth). For enquires relating to petroleum licencing in Plymouth contact them on their webpage. We charge for petroleum site searches at £85 per officer hour, as permitted by Reg 8 of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 . If you wish to make use of this please contact us at tradingstandards@devon.gov.uk. However these records may or may not indicate the presence of fuel interceptors: i.e. it would not be an accurate figure

2. Please provide any data on recorded fuel spillage accidents from tankers or petrol stations in your area

Exception – Devon County Council (DCC) believes this request is manifestly unreasonable under Regulation 12(4)(b) of the Environmental Information Regulations. 

Reason – DCC do not hold a central record of figures, as such we would need to manually check the records of around 350-400 sites. Officers estimate this would take several person days to complete. This would place an unreasonable burden on our resources. 

Public interest test – Whilst DCC believe in the value of openness and transparency, we do not believe it is in the publics best interests to divert our staff resources from their core functions for the prolonged period of time it would take to answer this request. 

In the interests of providing advice and assistance, we are able to provide you with the following information – We licence petroleum storage sites in Devon, Somerset and Torbay (not Plymouth). For enquires relating to petroleum licencing in Plymouth contact them on their webpage. We charge for petroleum site searches at £85 per officer hour, as permitted by Reg 8 of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 . If you wish to make use of this please email us at tradingstandards@devon.gov.uk. However not all spills will have been reported so data will not be accurate.

3. Please provide any data on recorded flammable liquid pollution incidents within your area (from COMAH sites)

We do not hold this information. The Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations (COMAH) are principally the responsibility of the Health and Safety Executive. We advise that you use their online search facility