Domiciliary Care Commissioning Information

1.What are the current commissioning arrangements in place (i.e SPOT, framework/dynamic purchasing system)?

Devon County Council (DCC) operate under a spot contract type vehicle.

2. Number of providers that you contract with and under which arrangement (i.e SPOT, framework)

For personal care C.190 but this can vary and can incorporate those working across multiple contracts.

3. When do these expire?

N/A – rolling.

4. How many home care hours are commissioned per week and under which arrangement (i.e SPOT, framework), if possible please can these be broken down into 15, 30,45 and 60 minutes.

31904. It is not possible to break down this total as we do not hold this information.

5. What is the call off process (i.e how is work awarded)

A free market – an unsourced list is sent out for providers to express and interest and provision is awarded against best fit both for client need and financial envelope.

6. Rates that you pay for care (please state range and average hourly rate)

The average rate is £25 p/hr. There is a wide range, tailored to individual need and depending on complexity of care required.

7. If there are any enhancements for 6 please specify (i.e extra for weekends)

Only by exception.

8. Number of live in packages commissioned


9. Rates that you pay for these

We do not hold data for the individual packages rates for live in.

10. Do you have a need for new providers at present?

Yes, but caveated that this must be with a growth in worker provision, we do not require any further provision that will seek to fulfil capacity via local recruitment.

11. Do you have any minimum prerequisites for new providers (please state)

To be CQC regulated and able to demonstrate all areas of the onboarding and due diligence processes DCC require to be met.

12. What is the name and contact details for the lead commissioner, if these cannot be shared how does a provider contact Commissioners for advice and support?

Interim Sector Lead – Personal Care Integrated Adult Social Care. Their email address is