Day services

In relation to Adult Social Care and for the last financial year:

1. What is your current provision? i.e. inhouse or independent?

Four active learning disabilities day centres. three older people day centres. We currently have seventy-two contracted providers of day opportunities.

2. What type of provision do you offer? E.g. building based/ community/ educational/ employment/ volunteering?

Learning disability day services building based with supported community access. Older people day services building based.

External provision is a mix of group-based activities (not necessarily linked to a specific building).

3. How many people access your day services by provision?

Learning disability day centres serving a total of seventeen people. Older people day centres serving a total of twenty-one people. Commissioned day opportunity services support two hundred and fifty-six people currently (excludes Direct Payments).

4. Do you provide Transport or are there additional charges? If there are charges what are these?

Some transport provided if there is an assessed eligible need.  Any charges are based on financial assessment.

5. What are your levels of ongoing demand?

Learning disabilities numbers are low and reducing.  The older people numbers are increasing post covid.

6. Do you have plans to increase or decrease the levels of services?

Now covid is receding, DCC is thinking about the use of our In-House provision as with other markets, there is no firm outcome at this stage.

7. What charges do you apply to your services?

Please see our response to question 4