Cycle lane numbers and initiatives

Q1. Please provide the total number of cycling lanes that exist in your council over the past three-year period:
* 2019
* 2020
* 2021


We do not hold this information

Q2. Please state the total number of cycle lanes currently in planning or under development in your council:
* Currently being planned
* Currently in development


We do not hold a figure for the “number of cycle lanes” currently in planning or under development, as cycle schemes typically comprise a package of different interventions. However, our priorities for developing the cycle network are set out in the Cycling and Multi-Use Trail Strategy, whilst schemes planned for delivery this financial year are set out in the September 2021 Cabinet report on the Transport Capital Programme.

Q3. If possible, please provide the total number of miles of cycling lanes you have within your council in total at present:


Type of cycle route Total length (miles)
Traffic-free routes 225
On-road cycle lanes 33
Advisory cycle routes 503
Bridleways 757
Byways 71
Total 1,588
Total excluding Public Rights of Way (Bridleways and Byways) 761

Q4. How much money has your council invested in cycling initiatives over the past three years? (Please consider all aspects of cycling, including cycle lanes, storage and bike membership schemes)
* 2019
* 2020
* 2021

We hold this information in financial years and not calendar years.  We therefore hold the following information:

2021/22: £2.04 million

2020/21: £6.229 million

2019/20: £3.471 million

2018/19: £3.225 million